

DSpGMSingleBand: Exponentiation

In these operations a scalar is exponentiated by the value of every pixel in a raster band, or the pixel values are exponentiated by a scalar. The raster band is overwritten with the result of the addition.

The operation is provided in a high-level and a low-level format. In the high-level format a raster object, a band identifier and a token are specified, together with the scalar. The operation applies to all pixels and the result is stored in the specified band. In the low-level format the operation is applied to a block of contiguous memory containing a specified number of pixels. The low-level format is useful to chain a number of operations without the overhead of storing intermediate results.

If you want to preserve the original raster band, you should make a copy of the band first.

The operations can be summarized as follows:

Operation Description


DSpGMSqr      2
DSpGMSqrt      1/2
DSpGMExp  pixel




High-level declarations:

Pixel value exponentiated
procedure DSpGMPower(const r: TDSpRaster; const band, token: integer;
                         exponent: TDSpFloat64);
procedure DSpGMSqr(const r: TDSpRaster; const band, token: integer);
procedure DSpGMSqrt(const r: TDSpRaster; const band, token: integer);

Base exponentiated by a pixel value
procedure DSpGMExp(const r: TDSpRaster; const band, token: integer);
procedure DSpGMBasePower(const r: TDSpRaster; const band, token: integer;
                         base: TDSpFloat64);

Low-level declarations:

procedure DSpGMSqrUInt32
procedure DSpGMSqrInt32
procedure DSpGMSqrInt64
procedure DSpGMSqrFloat32
procedure DSpGMSqrFloat64
procedure DSpGMSqrtFloat32
procedure DSpGMSqrtFloat64
procedure DSpGMExpFloat32
procedure DSpGMExpFloat64
                        (const data: pointer; pixels: integer;
                         fill: TDSpFloat64);
procedure DSpGMPower
procedure DSpGMPowerFloat64
                        (const data: pointer; pixels: integer;
                         fill, exponent: TDSpFloat64);
procedure DSpGMBasePower
procedure DSpGMBasePowerFloat64
                        (const data: pointer; pixels: integer;
                         fill, base: TDSpFloat64);

Parameter Description
r A valid raster object. It must be opened for write access.
band The identifier of the raster band. The band must exist in the raster, and it can be of any type. The data type can be any 32-bit or 64-bit data type for the DSpGMSqr* operations, and must be 32-bit or 64-bit floating point for the other operations.
token The access token for the raster. The token has to be generated for write access.
exponent The scalar value to which every pixel of the raster band is exponentiated. This value will be converted to the data type of the raster band before the operation.

The scalar value which is exponentiated by every pixel of the raster band. This value will be converted to the data type of the raster band before the operation.

data A pointer to a block of memory containing pixels pixel values.
pixels Number of pixels in the data block of memory.
fill The missing data value of the raster band.

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Last modified: 4 January 2005. Page maintained by pvanlaake